Do you love “love” or “being in love”? If you do, you are likely a lifetime learner in the School of Love. * Welcome to the club! 💖An analyst trained in the science of hand analysis (that’s me) can verify which Schools you’re in through your fingerprints. In hand analysis, there are four Life Schools: Love, Peace, Service, and Wisdom. Your Schools reveals the area of human development worthy of your extra attention. When you commit fully to their experiences, your life becomes highly rewarding.Great news! If you’re in the School of Love, then stablishing and maintaining satisfying relationships is your superpower. Plus, you’re emotionally available. You can completely feel, show, and communicate a full range of feelings, in the moment, at an appropriate intensity. According to “Straight men, if you want to find love, you’ll need to do better”,, love is evolving!Reality check: The above takes practice… not just when the stakes are low, or high — depending on whatever motivates you the most.The road to “emotional authenticity”, and its sibling “emotional intelligence”, is a never-ending series of personal growth opportunities. Maybe the pandemic revealed your relationships’ true colours? Did you dig deeper, or run for the hills?If you’re also a Leader (it’s one of 15 Life Purposes) in the School of Love, then demonstrating vulnerability and empathy with your employees may be how you’re growing now in that School. You can’t go wrong when you genuinely care about them and your customers.Is combining heart issues with power issues straightforward? It can be. You can lead with “emotional power”. Does simultaneously caring for and controlling others qualify? — No. This holds true, at work as well as in personal relationships, even for “power couples”. Developing closeness with others begins first with you connecting with yourself, right to the core. Instead of not trusting and protecting (called “armouring” in hand analysis) yourself, develop a healthy curiosity about both you and others. From this emotionally expanded you, you can invite more depth and breadth into your conversations, even online ones.Are you UP for the challenge? 😊Monique MacKinnon provides individuals and audiences with insights and foresight, and teaches them how to develop these soft skills to bring more ease and effectiveness into their work and life. She has 18+ years' recent experience as an international keynote and plenary speaker, management consultant, life purpose hand/fingerprints analyst, co-author, and businesscoach.
Written By: Monique MacKinnon